Dubbel Mono

vrijdag, juni 14, 2002

site is voor het eerst in twee maand weer eens ververst. Men is druk bezig met het assembleren van een eigen studio zodat het opgenomen demo-materiaal voor de derde full-length kan worden uitgewerkt. Zo'n twintig songs zijn klaar en van een aantal worden de titels genoemd, samen met min of meer cryptische toevoegingen: The Warming Sun ("which [...] might be considered the most potentially epic of the material so far"), Yeah is What We Had, ("one of the most touching songs I've heard in a long time, from this band or any other. Truly."), Fifty Percent Less Words ("a punk rock stormer"), Now it's On ("which is an uptempo, don't be complacent, get up and do something number"), Emit Anymore ("a really sad song, which shapes up something like the ballad version of Master of Puppets"), The Go in the Go For It ("which has a wily lyric that should make a few people turn red or apologize"), Build a Box ("played live on the air in Chicago on 5-08-01 (as in May) after a fine meal at Vivo. Again, a very sad and beautiful tune"). I'm On Standby ("is a strummer in the tradition of Dwight Yoakam. Played live by Jason and Aaron at Great American Music Hall on Easter.").

Verder is Grandaddy druk met opnemen van filmpjes voor bij de optredens, het vernieuwen van de website (duh!) en het opstarten van een eigen platenlabel:
" The debut release will be by an unsung band that broke up in 1998 from Tracy, CA, called Arm of Roger. We found out about them five or six years ago when they opened up for Giant Sand. It's a really bizarre but inspired and listenable record called The Ham and it's Lily. It was made in 1998 and lead to the demise of the band, unfortunately. [...] There is everything from strange songs about weird sex, like the opening track Robot Escort, to songs written in appreciation of animals, like Down With the Animals, to more songs about weird sex, like The Pussy Song".
|| 3:12 p.m.