Dubbel Mono

maandag, juni 03, 2002

America Bizarro,
A Guide to Freaky Festivals, Groovy Gatherings, Kooky Contests, and Other Strange Happenings Across the U.S.A doet wat de ondertitel zegt:

-Boom Box Parade
"For no other reason than just to be idiots, some 10,000 people turn out every July fourth for the Boom Box Parade, where folks with ghetto blasters in hand parade through the streets of a Connecticut town."

-World's Largest Disco

Hier zou ik best eens naar toe willen, ook al zegt het boek er over:
"This is a cheesy rock 'n' roll redneck festival held annually in August in several bars in downtown Chapel Hill. It's the brainchild of the band Southern Culture on the Skids, which schedules three days worth of music, hot Bud in a can, barbecue, Wonder Bread, Cheese Whiz, SNow Balls and an assortment of other trailer-trash surprises. Expect the entire Duke-clan, or at least those dressed like them, to show up in full force. If you're lucky, you'll witness the Woggles's onstage barbecue-sauce baptism of anyone who wants to be saved."

-National Hollerin' Contest
"Some hollered when they were in trouble, others used it to call their cattle, some just did it when they were good and drunk. Whatever the reason, everyone had their signature holler that was as recognizable as their own name."

-Swiss Singing and Yodeling Festival
Jewel was here!
|| 1:31 p.m.